Other cities that bid for the Games are Toronto, Montreal, Dallas, and Long Beach.
期望比赛的另外的城市是多伦多, 蒙特利尔, 达拉斯, 和长沙滩.
互联网Findings in Long Beach suggested that the policy resulted in fewer behavior problems and better attendance.
互联网I mean, she reads them all – Riverside Press , Long Beach Press - Telegram, you name it.
我的意思是, 她看一切关于的湖人的新闻, 只要你能说得上名字的.
互联网The vessel will be going at the present speed till it reaches Long Beach.
互联网Clemenza called the house in Long Beach and got Tom Hagen.
教父部分A pod of common dolphins ride the bow wake of a boat near Long Beach, California.
互联网They swung their car around in a huge arc and returned to Long Beach.
教父部分Then they had moved into one of the houses on the mall in Long Beach.
教父部分A bustling along the Yangtze River Road, Long Beach bars along a street entertainment.
有繁华的沿江路 、 长堤一带酒吧娱乐一条街.
互联网Disneyland and Long Beach.
互联网The rail line only runs between the Long Beach hotel area and the city centre.
互联网West Lake on a south to north from the Long Beach, called Georg Solti.
西湖上有一条自南到北的长堤, 叫苏堤.
互联网The remarks came at the annual TED Conference of thought leaders in Long Beach, California.
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